Bumpkin Shannon

Posts Tagged ‘bully’

Daily Prompt: Fight the Power

In Uncategorized on April 10, 2014 at 8:37 am

It seems like most of my life I’ve gone against the grain when it comes to people in general, but I’ve always had good reason:  

I once slapped a boyfriend for making fun of people with cleft pallets. He hadn’t met my mom yet, who just so happens to have one. 

Another time in high school, I was riding home in a car with a group of friends.  It was a beautiful warm spring afternoon close to the end of the school year. As a girl got off the bus in front of us, the guy sitting next to me yelled, “you f@ck!ng retard!” She really was mentally deficient and my heart broke for her. Before I knew it, my 3″ thick history book had jumped from my lap to the side of his head with great force. He asked me “why in the hell did you do that?!?” I had no problems letting him know my opinion and he learned a valuable lesson that day. 

I promise I’m not a violent person. 😀

As for authority, the time that immediately came to mind when I saw this prompt was when I was in fifth grade; ten years old. There was a younger boy with Cerebral Palsy. He wore a helmet. He used a walker. We couldn’t understand him most of the time when he spoke. He drooled. His name was Timmy and he had a beautiful smile.

On this particular day, I had asked and been granted that rare middle of the day non-break bathroom pass. The hallways were empty and quiet as I entered the bathroom. When I came out, I saw my Principal and Timmy down the hall. She had him by his upper arms and was shaking him so violently that his head was being thrown around like a bobble head doll. 

I didn’t even think about it. 

Before I realized, I’d ran down that hall and thrown myself at that Principal, tackling her, screaming “YOU CAN’T DO THAT TO HIM!!!” at the top of my lungs. She let him go. I never found out why she was so mad at him. 

I didn’t tell anyone about what had happened. But Timmy did. To this day (Timmy has since passed), each time I see his mom, she hugs me and thanks me. 

I’ve been bullied. I know what it feels like. I stand up for those who can’t defend themselves. I’ve taught my children to do the same.